The IEEE Ocean Engineering Society (OES) vision is to promote the objectives of the society around the world through networking, conferences and publications with a focus on the future through extensive support of our student and young professional members.
The Society’s objectives are scientific, literary, and educational in character. The Society strives for the advancement of the theory and practice of electrotechnology, allied branches of engineering, and related arts and sciences, applied to all bodies of water; and the maintenance of high professional and ethical standards among its members and affiliates.
The Society promotes close cooperation and exchange of technical information among its members through publications and meetings. The Society fosters the technical and professional growth of its members.
The Field of Interest of the Society includes all aspects of science, engineering, and technology that address research, development, and operations pertaining to all bodies of water. This includes the creation of new capabilities and technologies from concept design through prototypes, testing, and operational systems to sense, explore, understand, develop, use, and responsibly manage natural resources.
Source: IEEE OES website